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                           I am Milk Thistle invite me in Please

       Milk thistle is a plant native to Europe its been used for over 2000 years.      It has a long history of use as a folk remedy for liver and gallbladder disorders.    The active is thought  to  be silymarin,a flavonoid found in the seeds.
A traditional tonic, milk thistle has been long revered for its ability to promote detoxification and a healthy liver.

University of Maryland Medical Center notes that milk thistle is often used to treat alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. While some of the data is conflicting, there is evidence that milk thistle can improve liver function and survival rates in those with liver disease. According to New York University Langone Medical Center, milk thistle may work in two ways to protect the liver: by displacing liver-binding toxins, which allows for faster healing, and by stabilizing the membranes of liver cells, through its antioxidant capacities.

Many medications can cause damage or inflammation to the liver. Because of its liver-repairing effects, milk thistle is particularly useful for people taking these prescriptions. In addition to its liver-protective effects, an active substance in milk thistle, known as silymarin, may have anticancer effects. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that silymarin and other active compounds in milk thistle work by inhibiting the division of cancer cells and promoting early cancer cell death.

Medical Science Monitor" investigated the immune-enhancing effects of milk thistle. The researchers found a positive correlation between increased doses of milk thistle and enhanced immune response. The study concluded that the immunostimulatory effects of milk thistle may be useful in heightening the body's response to infectious diseases. The authors of the study also mention milk thistle's ability to inhibit tumor cell growth, another effect related to improved function of the immune system.

Milk thistle was used by medical herbalists in the late 19th century to treat varicose veins and liver, spleen and kidney disorders. Today, it is primarily used to improve the function of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal system. Many individuals have seen dramatic improvement using milk thistle for health issues such as psoriasis, menstrual problems, jaundice and poor circulation. It is widely available at grocers, pharmacy, walmart, target, dollar stores even. Affordable too. Mayo clinic evidence there are many more informative websites out there .














What in the world is it and why do I think it is so great! My first purchase of L-Lysine was 3 years ago. We had returned from a trip enjoying the Big Island of Hawaii. They have warm ponds there that are heated by underground volcanic sources. The water is usually a delightful 90* and dreamy. However, warm water harbors bacteria. Anyone with an open wound, weakened immune system, or just doesn't feel well do to cold, flu, or virus, Do Not get in . I'm sorry to burst your bubble of joy. I found out the very hard way. The plane ride home I was miserable with the feeling of a urinary tract infection beginning . That burn, that pain. Glad I always have AZO and Cystex. Well days went by and I woke up soaked in sweat but shivering cold, temperature 104* The look of down there. Putrid, and terrifying. Open wounds, oozing, and pain. I am a firm believer in natural medicine as a first response. Researched and researched only to sit in disbelief it sure looked like herpes. I was angry, accusing, scared, sad, depressed. All the while my fever would only come down to 101 with medicine. I was sick sick and couldn't fix it, so I thought.

Emergency room here we come. I was embarassed and tested for every std and hiv and aids. The diagnosis.. The dr. was certain Herpes what I had already braced myself to hear. The results wouldn't be back for an entire week. That was the longest wait of my life. I tried collodial silver, hydrocortisone, lydocaine, tea trea oil, plantain, herbs, vitamins, yogurt, coconut oil. This list was endless and costly. Then I read all of the wonders of an amino acid I have never heard of before. While I have taken a multi amino pill before when my eating disorder was bad never paid particular attention to what each did.

L-Lysine is a necessary building block for all protein in the body. Lysine is an essential amino acid that your body needs but cannot manufacture. L-Lysine plays a major role in calcium absorption; building muscle protein; recovering from surgery or sports injuries; and the body's production of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, as well as carnitine and collagen, which is the structural protein forming all connective tissue such as skin, tendon, and bone. L-Lysine also plays a major role in calcium absorption. Some evidence suggests that L-Lysine supplementation may help to support a healthy immune system as well as proper cardiovascular function.

*Cold Sores

Lysine has be proven to be effective in helping treat cold sores. A study conducted by the Southern California University of Health Sciences showed lysine to be effective treatment in 40 percent of participants after three days and in 87 percent by the sixth day. Lysine ointments, balms and creams can be purchased over the counter for cold sore treatment


Similar as with the treatment of cold sores, Lysine has be shown to accelerate recovery from shingles. The amino acid restricts replication of the virus and may also help maintain remission for some. Dosage may vary from person to person, so consult your physician or dermatologist to determine how this treatment can work for you.

*Lysine for Herpes Treatment

Lysine has become a very popular supplement for herpes simplex virus treatment. Lysine for Herpes is believed to slow the replication of the virus and reduce the severity and time of the outbreaks. Most people get all they need from diet alone, but there are supplements in pill form that can be used.Lysine herpes treatment works best when taken with Vitamin C and Zinc. When combined with Arginine, it is not as effective and may even worsen the virus. Lysine for herpes is a popular alternative supplement to mainstream medicine.

~That all being said .. I DID NOT HAVE THE HERPES VIRUS, I DID NOT HAVE ANY STD AT ALL! What I DID have was a severe bacterial infection as a result of the warm ponds. I lost two months of good life but it only took L-lysine 2 weeks to heal me. I wish I'd found it sooner but at least I can honestly state the stuff works.

It has also been very effective on boils. I was dealing with one for months than it occured to me duh, Lysine. Oregano Oil didn't work, tea trea, lemon, lavendar, bleach, alcohol, peroxide, bag balm. Lysine!!










Vitamin K

Given a health awakening last year I learned about vitamin K and the important rule it plays in our bodies and the maintaining of some pretty important functions.  I should have learned this 6 years ago when I broke my hip. We have to be awakened more than once I guess. If you have noticed that your bruising easily or bleeding an unusual amount from just a scratch or minor wound it may just be your vitamin K is low. I realize other factors also cause bruising easily and bleeding but today were talking Vitamin K. Vitamin K is necessary for proper blood coagulation and  clotting of the blood. It is a fat soluble vitamin stored in the liver and to often ignored. Not just for physical wounds on the outside but also internal. Like your cardiovascular system. Vitamin K keeps the blood flowing and prevents blocking of blood vessels. I am sure you've heard of at least one person that "threw a clot" "had a clot" A blood clot was the cause of there death. Etc. Vitamin K, in all forms, is important in maintaining bone health, as it helps bind calcium to bones. Vitamin K-2 may be particularly important because it is used preferentially by the body to deposit calcium in the teeth and bones, while K-1 is primarily used for blood clotting. So if your gums are bleeding, have an unusually heavy menstrual flow.. More signs your K may be low. A little more fact..   
     Brain Function, the myelin sheath, or the outer wrapping around a nerve, needs sphingolipids (a crucial fat) to form properly. Vitamin K is known to be essential for the synthesis of the sphingolipids, and therefore proper brain and nervous function.
Antioxidant Though vitamin K has not been shown to be an antioxidant in the same sense as vitamin C and E, the basic forms of vitamin K, including phylloquinones and menaquinones, have been shown to protect cells from oxidative stress, Anti-Inflammatory Healthy vitamin K levels have been shown to significantly lower the release of the glycoprotein interleukin-6, a marker of inflammation within the body.  


Where to get your Vitamin K? Good News! I am providing a list.

Vitamin K Foods

Kale, Collards, Spinach, Turnip greens, Beet greens, Mustard greens, Endive, Lettuces, Parsley, Dandelion, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Asparagus, Okra, Cucumber, Cabbage, Peas, Celery, Rhubarb, Sauerkraut, Onions, Scallions, Ramps, Leeks, Basil, Fennel, Chili Powder, Hot Spices, Pickles, Soy Beans, Olive oil, Dried Prunes, and Blueberries, pears, peaches, figs.
I made homemade Vitamin K ! Healthy and natural and organic! I bought organic spinach, dehydrated it, spun it around in my ninja and filled empty capsules I previously saved from supplements I use as powder. Score! Win Win!




Salt Sole~Never buy minerals again


Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

Filtered non chlorinated water

jar and plastic lid or syran wrap or cheesecloth just not metal

Fill your jar 1/4 the way with the sea salt and now fill with water

Shake if using a lid, stir if using alternative cover, BUT, never use metal with sole. A plastic spoon, some straws, wooden spoon, etc. Let sit overnight on the counter and take a teaspoon every morning upon waking. Again please no metal in sole. leave on the counter and do this everyday. When there is no more salt in the jar just add more salt, when water gets close to half way, add more water.


The benefits of himalayan salt sole include:

      84 essential and ionized minerals

  • Detoxifies the body by balancing systemic pH

  • Improves hydration by providing trace minerals

  • Improves mineral status of the body

  • Reduces muscle cramps by improving minerals and hydration

  • Helps balance blood sugar

  • Supports hormone balance for everyone, no matter what hormonal issues you face

  • Helps balance blood pressure because it provides unrefined, mineral-rich salt in an ionic solution

  • Improves sleep by supporting blood sugar and hormone balance

  • Acts as a powerful antihistamine

  • Supports weight loss by balancing hormones and improving energy

  • Supports thyroid and adrenal function

  • Want to know more
















Hey Ya'll! I've tried juicing, I keep trying juicing.

I just can't seem to incorporate it into my life.

I end up wasting valuable vegetables down the drain.

That is no good! I am here to share a really easy recipe to give your body

a burst of green without the dread of  full glass.

I've even managed to get my other half to take them when I make a batch up.

They are actually pretty good, well, I still wouldn't drink a whole glass.

And I am the girl that can gobble down bitter greens, and take milk thistle syrup,

drink dandelion tea or parsley tea.  I spent an entire summer eating what grew in the wild of my back 44 acres years ago. Fruit juice is a go go . Vegetable juice still an no no nope.


6 celery stalks

2 green apples

2 lemons

3-4 inches of ginger root

1 english cucumber (seedless)

Place in your juicer and juice. Now you just pour 2-3 oz every morning and do your shot of vitamins. Also You put a sprinkle of cayenne pepper on top before swinging back your shot. Its like and aha moment. The cayenne really makes the health shot. Not sure I'd like it as well without. Good Luck!


























Health Shot~for wellness, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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