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Fuzzy Navel Slush

1 large can frozen orange juice

1 large can frozen lemonade

6 cups water

2 cups strong hot tea (6 black tea bags to 2 cups water)

2 liter bottle 7-up

1 bottle peach schnapps

I actually grew up to this slush. Be it bad parenting in your mind or not. Its relatively low in alcohol and in that day nyquil was high in alcohol. And I didn't end up endulging in a drink or two until I was 28 years old so don't see any harm. This slush is delightful. and the little bit of alcohol is what keeps it from freezing solid. We called it the morgan slush . So Directions. Mix all the above ingredients in an ice cream pail or other container and freeze 8-12 hours.

Lemonade with Frozen Ice Cubes


Juice of 4 lemons (3/4 cups)

1/2 cup sugar

2 cups cold water

Lemon slice ~ garnish

1 1/2 cups water

10 whole cloves

4 black tea bags

1 1/2  cups cold water

2 (2 inch) cinnamon sticks


In a large pitcher combine lemon juice, sugar and water, stirring until sugar dissolves. Add lemon slices of 1 or 2 lemons. Refrigerate while you make ice cubes.

Comnine 1 1/2 cups water, cloves, and cinnamon sticks in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, remove from heat. Pour over tea bags or just add tea bags to the hot liquid. Cover and let stand 10 minutes . Discard tea bags and spices. add 1 1/2 cold water to tea mixture. Stir and pour into ice cube trays and freeze overnight or at least 6 hours until thoroughly frozen. Add to lemonade and serve. Super delicious summer drink to be enjoyed young and old. Healthy is a bonus.

Hot Chocolate



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